Monday, January 19, 2009

And then there were FOUR...

For the past 14 years everything we have thought about has been in FIVES. Five seats in the car, five place settings, five combo meals, 5 beds, 5 ticket purchases and 5 CHAIRS AROUND THE TABLE. It is a bizarre feeling when you do something for so long and it comes to a standstill. The other night, out of habit, we made 5 grilled cheese sandwiches (needless to say the extra was devoured). It may take some adjusting and change of habit but well worth it! Thanks Andy for being the part of us that makes FIVE. For a while we will be four but then...we will be more!

Love and wishes to our dear Elder who made us "FIVE" of a good thing!


Cristi said...

Yep, those numbers will slowly go down, and then they'll start going back up. We went from the 5 of us to having 9 at our table for Christmas. I like that! Jim will have to keep finding good deals for bigger and bigger dining sets before too long. :-)

Clint & Janet said...

Look at it this way...they are DWINDLING IN BELIEF! Thinking of you all!

Jeanmarie said...

Disclaimer: There are actually only 4 beds, Jim and I have been sharing a bed for years, I should have said, 5 places to sleep.

Marci said...

Cute post. I love you Jean Marie. Thanks for all the sweet comments; we hope that this little guy will be off the bililights for good and you can come and visit!