Friday, March 13, 2009

Breathing in Old Photos

There is nothing like it! Randomly coming across an old photo for absolutely no specific reason. Maybe you were rummaging through a drawer or looking under your bed for something and BOOM...There it is. You hold your breath and slowly let out air as you remember the sweet moments of life that have passed by. You begin to feel gratitude for the children you were blessed with, the messes they made, the noise they created in the house and all the "tucks" in bed.

Here is a moment captured on film that will be forever ingrained in my heart! I have had many of these moments in life and plan on having many more! Thanks my dear Heavenly Father for blessing our home with these unique and fun loving spirits. What a JOY!

Note: Expressions never hide a personality...and expressions never change (no matter how old they get).


Unknown said...

They are just way too cute, what a fun picture. Miss you guys!

Kellianne said...

It's amazing to see the many ways they haven't changed a bit--and yet, the many ways that they have grown. I know I always say this, but it's because it's so true; you definitely have the best boys in the world, hands down!

Cristi said...

Oh, my! They are cute little guys. I want to reach in that picture and steal Karl away.

Hilary Stailey said...

They are so adorable! I love it!! It seems only yesterday, when they looked like that!

Libbi said...

Wow those boys are so cute and they have grown up to be such good handsome men! I don't know if I am your blogging buddy but would love to be.

Clint & Janet said...

Love the picture and especially loved the sentiment. They grow, they really do!!

Shelly said...

That is priceless! I love coming old pictures.

Harmony said...

Ok, for a split second, I thought that was a picture taken yesterday. Then I was zapped into a time machine when I realized how big they really are. Whoaw!